Thursday, October 27, 2005

Mama said, “He’s Right.”

I told my mother what Evg. Rick MaCulvie said during the revival.  My mama said, “He is right.”  She didn’t say anthing else after that; which meant that the conversation was closed and she didn’t want to talk about it anymore.  My mother is like that.

She has never said anything to my about my father other than his name and that he was my father.  I don’t eve n know if she loved him or why she was intimate with him.  I guess I will never know.  I have asked my aunts, but they won’t tell me anything.  Hopefully, one day I will know.

M.B. Vick

Monday, October 24, 2005

Felt Like Shouting

Evg. Rick MaCulvie gave me a token of love.  It is the biggest token of love I have ever received for playing.

Felt like shouting.

M.B. Vick

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Revival Night #4

Well, tonight was the night.  Maybe I should say last night because it is Saturday morning.  I go tin at like 2:43 or something from church.

Evg. MaCulvie preached like he had lost his mind.  He prayed for everyone in the church, including me.  Why did he have me on the floor crying like a baby?

It is about to get personal…
Evg. MaCulvie told me that I was still holding a grudge against my father for something that he had done a long time ago and that I could not get where God wants me to go unless I forgive my father and allow God to heal me of my hurt.  I laid on the floor crying forever, I cannot really remember how long I was down there.

When I was seven, I saw my father for the first time, by accident.  My mother had a picture of him in her closet.  She always told me who he was, but never said why he was not in my life.  I saw my father in a mall one day while walking with one of my aunts.  She said, “I cannot believe this.  There goes your no count daddy.”  I broke away from her and ran over to him and this girl he was with.  I got a rude awakening after I called him Daddy.  He looked at me and said, “Nigga, I ain’t your daddy.  I told your ignant mama to have an abortion because I didn’t want no kids, no get out of my face you little bast…”

I cried for days after that.  I have hated my father every since.  I really get jealous when I see other guys with their fathers.

After the service, Evg. MaCulvie talked to me about my hatred of my father.  I was mad at him at first because he had told all those people my business.  Evg. MaCulvie looked a t me and said, “Do not be mad at me.  Be mad at God.  He is the One who revealed your story to me.  I just did what He told me to do.”  I fell into his arms and went to crying again.  I have never been hugged by a man like that before.  For a few minutes, it felt like Evg. MaCulvie was my father.

After I got through crying, Evg. MaCulvie and his friends let me go out to eat with them.  I didn’t want to, but Evg. MaCulvie talked me into it.

I am not the same after tonight.  I can’t say that there is no more hatred in my heart for my father, but it isn’t as bad as it was before tonight.

M.B. Vick

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Revival Night #3

On tonight, Thursday, I played for Evg. MaCulvie again.  Kourtnee Adams-Austin, the president of Shimmers Inc. was there.  She is the best friend of Evg. MaCulvie’s wife.

She sung the sermonic solo.  She could blow.  I almost fell off the organ.  After church, Mrs. Adams-Austin told me that she enjoyed my playing.  I felt good.

Talk to you all tomorrow.  It’s the last night of the revival.

M.B. Vick

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Revival Night #2

On tonight, Wednesday, I played for Evg. MaCulvie again. I enjoyed him. His wife was there. She was cheering him on like crazy. I hope one day I can have a wife like that.

I'm tired and going to bed.

M.B. Vick

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Revival Night #1

On tonight, Tuesday, I played for Evg. Rick MaCulvie at Greater New Haven Pentecostal Church.  It was great.  I am tired, so I won’t be writing that much about it.  I will tell you more later.

M.B. Vick

A Phone Call

I just got a phone call from Evg. MaCulvie.  He is preaching in the city of Wyman.  He asked me to come play for him tonight.  I told him yes.  I am about to flip out.  I will write more after tonight.

M.B. Vick

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday morning service was on fire.  We had a guest evangelist, Evg. Rick MaCulvie.  He was good.

We went through service as usual.  I invited my aunt, cousins, and some friends to hear me play.  I wish my grandmother could have been here to see this.  She died two years ago.  I still miss her.  Everyone came.  It was cool.

My song was the third song.  The choir usually sings four songs.  The song was great.  The voice parts were on point; no one missed a note, and the soloist, Shannon Henderson, song under the anointing.  It was so amazing.  Folk went to dancing after we finished.  I wanted to dance myself, but I stayed on the organ and played.  I cannot believe Eld. Pacheco let me stay on the organ.  He usually plays the shouting music.

The best part of the whole service was that Evg. MaCulvie asked if I could be his accompaniment while he preached.  I wanted to fall out.  Eld. Pacheco let me.

I got in the flesh for a moment.  I looked at Sis. K with a not so nice look on my face.  We made eye contact, too.

I repented before I played for Evg. MaCulvie. :)

M.B. Vick

Thursday Night at Choir Rehearsal

The last time I spoke to you, I told you about Bible Study and that I would tell you about choir rehearsal on Thursday.

On Thursday, I went to choir rehearsal.  It started out good.  Things went crazy when I was supposed to teach the choir my song.  I was going to teach them the DM Adkins song, “Power in Praise”.  Well, Sis. K, as I will call her stood up and said, “Why is this child teaching us a song?  He is not a part of this choir.”  Eld. Gregg Pacheco, the Minister of Music responded, “Because I asked him, too.  Do you have a problem with it?”  She said, “Yes,” and then gathered up her stuff and left, along with two of her friends.

I was hurt because her and her friends do that every time I teach the choir a song.  I think she is mad because I was appointed the Youth Minister of Music over her son, who doesn’t play an instrument.  Her son can sing, but how can you be a minister of music and you cannot play an instrument.

In taught the choir the song.  It went very well.

M.B. Vick

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Wednesday, Bible Study

Wednesday night service was good.  First lady taught from her heart.  It is kind of funny because I had read the scripture she used during lunch.
Romans 8:1-2…  Those who belong to Christ Jesus are no longer under God’s sentence.  I am now controlled by the law of the Holy Spirit.  That law gives me life because of what Christ Jesus has done.  It has set me free from the law of sin that brings death.
Thank the Lord for being free.

On Thursday, we have choir rehearsal.  Although, I am the youth minister of music, I am supposed to play with the Mass Choir on Sunday.  I half want to and I half do not want to.  The last time I played for them, a couple of the old heads in the choir acted a fool with me.  So, what if I am only 21.  I have been playing since I was 10.  I play well enough to be the Minister of Music for the Young Adult Choir of the Greater Buelahland Fellowship.  It ain’t like they care anyway.

I will let you all know how it goes.

M.B. Vick


Welcome to my blog. I will be posting more soon.
M.B. Vick

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