Friday, May 12, 2006

Sunday Service Was Excellent

Sunday service was excellent. Eld. Franklin preached like crazy. The choir sung like crazy, too. Eld. Franklin preached, “That’s the Kind Of God I Serve.” His text was from Genesis 1:1-31, but he focused on verses 3-8. It was awesome. It truly blessed me, especially after last week.

After church, Carlton told Keyva that he wanted his bears back. That caused a big mess that Eld. Franklin ended up having to fix.

Eld. Franklin talked to after church. He almost fell out laughing at me. He said, “Boy, you sure can get yourself into some big messes.” I didn’t think it was funny at first. After he talked to me for awhile longer, the situation got funnier.

Here are his words of wisdom…
(Printed with his permission)

  • Keyva will forgive you before too long.
  • Carlton won’t be mad at you too much longer.
  • Don’t push my son again. (With a smile.)
  • Stay out of trouble!

I will see how things end up.


Micha by: